Turbocharge Power BI using Azure Synapse Analytics
Please find the slides for the Turbocharge Power BI using Azure Synapse Analytics session here. These […]

Applying the Azure Well-Architected Framework to Azure Synapse Analytics
Please find a download of the slides available here. These slides are based on a lightening […]

Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Pools Learning Resources
Welcome to this collection of links to resources focussed on Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Pools. […]

Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL with Power BI Dataflows PDF
Over the last few weeks since January 2021, I have presented sessions about using Azure Synapse […]

Azure Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Best Practices
Microsoft have a best practices document available here which highlights certain actions that can be taken […]

Getting Started with Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Serverless
The new Azure Synapse Analytics SQL Serverless service enables querying file-based data stored in an Azure […]